
Add an Instagram feed to WordPress using Behold

Adding a Behold Instagram feed to your WordPress website is simple, and can be accomplished in a few different ways, outlined below.

Get your embed code

To get started, first connect a source and create a widget.

Next you'll want to have your Embed code handy:

  1. Navigate to the feeds page and click anywhere on your widget to open the widget details popup.
  2. Click on "Embed code" in the sidebar
  3. Click on the "copy" button to add the code to your clipboard.

Gutenberg editor

  1. Navigate to a page or post edit screen in the WordPress admin.
  2. Hit return to add a new content block, click the "+", and search for "Custom HTML."
  3. Paste your widget code into the Custom HTML block, and click update to save your changes.

Classic editor

  1. Navigate to a page or post edit screen in the WordPress admin.
  2. Switch the editor to "text" mode.
  3. Paste your embed code where you'd like your feed to appear

Site editor

For supported themes the WordPress site editor makes adding a behold widget extremely simple. For more information about how to use the site editor, see the WordPress docs.

  1. Log in to the WordPress admin and click on "Editor" in the appearance menu
  2. Paste your embed code into a Custom HTML block.

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