Hashtag feeds

Hashtag feeds

On this page we show you how to create and customize feeds of public Instagram hashtag content.

Creating a hashtag feed

Before you begin you will need to connect an

advanced source.

Once that’s done, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the feeds page, click on + Add Feed
  2. Select Hashtag
  3. Choose a source
  4. Select Widget or JSON
  5. Pick a name for your feed, and click Create feed

After the feed is created, you will be prompted to select hashtags for your feed.

  1. Type in the hashtag you want and click # Search
  2. If your hashtag exists, it will appear under search results. Click on the hashtag to add it to your feed
  3. If you have a paid account you can add additional hashtags, up to a limit determined by your plan. See the pricing page for details
  4. Click Done - and that’s it!

Hastag feed settings


This is the same search interface that you saw when you first created your hashtag feed. You can add, remove and swap hashtags in a feed whenever you like.

Feed Type

  • Top posts: Returns “popular” posts with this hashtag according to a proprietary Instagram algorithm.

  • Recent posts: Returns the most recent 24 hours of posts with this hashtag.

Multi-hashtag sort

This setting only applies if your feed is mixing more than one hashtag.

  • Mix: Your feed will return an even mix of posts from each hashtag.

  • Timestamp: Your feed will return the most recent posts first, regardless of hashtag.

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